Migration has been gradual, but the move to IPv6 could speed up with IPv4 addresses running out
The argument about how best to upgrade the Internet’s main communications protocol raged in the Internet Engineering Task Force in the early 1990s. By then, experts realized that the Internet would eventually run out of address space with the original version of the Internet Protocol, known as IPv4.
The issue of what direction to take with the next-generation of IP came to a head at a 1994 IETF meeting in Toronto. Ultimately, the IETF decided to replace the 32-bit addressing scheme in IPv4 with a 128-bit addressing scheme in IPv6. The standards body tried to create other reasons to upgrade to IPv6, including built-in security with IPsec and easier management through autoconfiguration of devices.
Nearly a decade after IPv6 was finalized, the network industry has yet to embrace the new protocol. That’s because a forklift upgrade to IPv6 is too expensive and time consuming for a carrier or enterprise, with little measurable return. Instead, the network industry anticipates a gradual transition to IPv6, which will likely run side by side with IPv4 for many years to come.
Now it appears that IPv6 is finally winning this argument. The American Registry for Internet Numbers recommended in May that the Internet community start migrating to IPv6.
In fact, some industry experts predict that there are only around 1,200 days left until the Internet runs out of IPv4 addresses. Leading the charge to IPv6 is the U.S. federal government, which has mandated that all agencies support the new protocol in their backbone networks by June 2008.
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), sometimes called the "next generation" IP protocol (IPng), is designed by the IETF to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 ("IPv4"), which is now more than twenty years old. Most of today's network uses IPv4 and it is beginning to have problems, for example, the growing shortage of IPv4 addresses.
IPv6 fixes manyshortages in IPv4, including the limited number of available IPv4 addresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 in areas. The key benefits of introducing IPv6 are:
• 340 undecillion IP addresses for the whole world network devices
• Plug and Play configuration with or without DHCP
• Better network bandwidth efficiency using multicast and anycast without broadcast
• Better QOS support for all types of applications
• Native information security framework for both data and control packets
• Enhanced mobility with fast handover, better route optimization and hierarchical mobility
The following table compares the key characters of IPv6 vs. IPv4:
Subjects IPv4 IPv6 IPv6 Advantages
Address Space 4 Billion Addresses 2^128 79 Octillion times the IPv4 address space
Configuration Manual or use DHCP Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) with or without DHCP Lower Operation Expenses and reduce error
Broadcast / Multicast Uses both No broadcast and has different forms of multicast Better bandwidth efficiency
Anycast support Not part of the original protocol Explicit support of anycast Allows new applications in mobility, data center
Network Configuration Mostly manual and labor intensive Facilitate the re-numbering of hosts and routers Lower operation expenses and facilitate migration
QoS support ToS using DIFFServ Flow classes and flow labels More Granular control of QoS
Security Uses IPsec for Data packet protection IPsec becomes the key technology to protect data and control packets Unified framework for security and more secure computing environment
Mobility Uses Mobile IPv4 Mobile IPv6 provides fast handover, better router optimization and hierarchical mobility Better efficiency and scalability; Work with latest 3G mobile technologies and beyond.
Few in the industry would argue with the principle that IPv6 represents a major leap forward for the Internet and the users. However, given the magnitude of a migration that affects so many millions of network devices, it is clear that there will be an extended period when IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist at many levels of the Internet
IETF protocol designers have expended a substantial amount of effort to ensure that hosts and routers can be upgraded to IPv6 in a graceful, incremental manner. Transition mechanisms have been engineered to allow network administrators a large amount of flexibility in how and when they upgrade hosts and intermediate nodes. Consequently, IPv6 can be deployed in hosts first, in routers first, or, alternatively, in a limited number of adjacent or remote hosts and routers. Another assumption made by IPv6 transition designers is the likelihood that many upgraded hosts and routers will need to retain downward compatibility with IPv4 devices for an extended time period. It was also assumed that upgraded devices should have the option of retaining their IPv4 addressing. To accomplish these goals, IPv6 transition relies on several special functions that have been built into the IPv6 standards work, including dual-stack hosts and routers and tunnelling IPv6 via IPv4.
IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnelling
Neither the global Internet nor the TCP/IP protocols are static. Through its Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Architecture Board provides active, ongoing efforts that keep the technology evolving. Most notable is the introduction of IP v6 protocol. IP v4 supports only a limited number of IP addresses, and the IP address space is fast depleting. To accommodate for future expansion, IP v6 has been introduced.
Features of Ipv6:
1. The features of IPv6 are
2. Larger Addresses
3. Flexible Header Format
4. Improved Options
5. Support for Resource Allocation
6. Provision for protocol extension
In the above Figure,
VERS: Specifies the version of the protocol
FLOW LABEL: The base header contains information that routers use to associate a datagram with a specific flow and priority.
PAYLOAD LENGTH: Specifies the number of octets carried in the datagram.
NEXT HEADER: Specifies the type of the following header.
HOP LIMIT: This field interprets a time-to-live as a combination of hop count and maximum time.
SOURCE ADDRESS: It requires 16 octets to specify the sender address.
DESTINATION ADDRESS: It requires 16 octets to specify the recipient address.
IPv6 Address Types:
The destination address on a datagram falls into one of the three categories:
o Unicast
The destination address specifies a single computer
o Cluster
The destination is a set of computers that all share a single address prefix
o Multicast
The destination is a set of computers, possibly at multiple locations.
Ipv4 vs. Ipv6
Ipv4 is the fourth version of Internet protocol, but the first one to be widely deployed. It uses a 32 bit addressing and allows for 4,294,967,296 unique addresses. Ipv4 has four different class types, the class types are A, B, C, and D. An example of Ipv4 is 207. 142. 131. 235. The ipv4 uses a subnet mask because of the large numbers of computers used today.
The subnet mask helps reduce the number of unique IP given to companies, corporations and so on. An example of a subnet mask is a company. A architectural company is given one ip address to use in their company. The IP that they are given is the class C addresses, 192. 182. 162. 0. However, the employees want to send information about the plan to a fellow employee. The default subnet mask is 255. 255. 255. 0 this default is used so that people can send instant messages to each other without downloading programs such as MSN messenger. The 0 in the subnet mask allows you to have 16 different networks having 14 computers per network allowing you to have a total of 224 computers in the company. You can create these networks by modifying the 0 the only number you can modify in the network. In the binary version of the 0 of the subnet mask it looks like this 0000. You can modify the numbers from 0000 – 1111. Those numbers will represent your network, you will then need numbers for your computer. When adding the numbers for the computer your IP would look like this in tens. the zero after the dash represents your computer number. The way you can modify the number is the same as the network number, the difference is that you can only the numbers 0001-1110 in other words you cannot have all ones or all zeros. For further reference there is a diagram in the next page.
Ipv6 is the next in the advancement of IP’s. Although it is version 6 it will probably be the next widely deployed Internet protocol. Compared to the Ipv4 which allows for only 4,294,967,296 unique addresses, the Ipv6 that uses a 128-bit system will hold 340-undecillion (34, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000) this number is so vast that there are more unique ip addresses than stars in the universe, as we know it. However, the Ipv6 will not come out till at least 2025 in because they need time to fix the bugs in the protocol. An example of Ipv6 is:
207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235.
Version 4 of the Internet Protocol (Ipv4) provides the basic communication mechanism of the TCP/IP suite and the global Internet. Although the need for a large address space is forcing an immediate change in IP, other factors are contributing to the design as well. In particular, IP v6 can support new services, and applications. IPv6 retains many of the basic concepts from IPv4, but changes most details. Like IPv4, IPv6 provides a connectionless, best-effort datagram delivery service. However, the IPv6 datagram format is completely different than the IPv4 format, and IPv6 provides new features such as authentication, a mechanism for flow-controlled streams of datagrams, and support for security.
The reason we may need to switch from Ipv4 to Ipv6 is because of the population of the world. The rate at which the world’s population is growing is nothing to look down at. Also in the future all vehicles will probably be networked in order to use Onstar or other navigational devices and those need IP’s too. So eventually we would need more unique IP’s than the number we have now.
http://Suba at anandsoft dot com.
http://Network world.com
Selasa, 16 Juni 2009
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